In most of my works of the past years, I was trying to bring up daily life events and actions,
as an attempt to outbalance the big events of the commune past, that we call History. The
idea I was perusing was -and still is- that in order to understand who we are and where we
come from, we need to know the big historical dynamics as much as the tiny gestures and
details that happen in the net of the time. We are hardly trying to deconstruct the past in
order to understand our common behaviour toward; the environment, communities, gender
roles etc., but more than deconstructing the information we already have, we should
reconstruct the
one that we don’t yet.
During my process, I try always to use very different materials and media, since I perceive
this latter as vocabulary that can change to build a precise sentence.
Further more In most of my creations, the audience is an active part of my work.
For this reason in my last work Ike, I decided to mix some of the materials I used in the past;
video, sculpture, and sound performances. I created a karaoke set (IKA) with songs made in
collaboration with musicians. In all of the video -and some of the lyrics- I was trying to
express a casual and habitual feeling, through the aesthetic of pop culture.
After this installation I casually landed back in the musical dimension, shelved for a few
For a long time, I have kept my musical and aesthetic research very far from each other, so
my current challenge is to see those two finally merging